"By my analysis, based on the findings of the Board of Supervisors 2013 study on CCSF, eliminating hundreds of well-paying faculty jobs will represent a $25 million loss to San Francisco’s economy for this year alone. What exacerbates the potential harm is the institutional damage such cuts will inflict. Many critical programs necessary for transferring to four year schools or completing certificates, like nursing, will be forced to operate at significantly reduced capacity, assuming they’ll be functional at all. That means less nurses, firefighters, chefs and all the other skilled workers this city’s economy needs to function or have any hope of a true recovery."
Read more at the SF Examiner.
Thank you for your open-ed article. As a candidate for CCSF board trustee, I will be fighting to support students and teachers that I believe are the foundation for preserving our community college.
Daniel Landry votedaniellandry.com